The Working Group of German Minorities (AGDM)
The Working Group of German Minorities (in German: Arbeitsgemeinschaft deutscher Minderheiten: AGDM) is an informal Working Group that was established based on an initiative of the German Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) in 1991. AGDM brings together all the organisations that are united in FUEN, the umbrella organisation of the autochthonous minorities in Europe, and that consider themselves as associations of German minorities.
The Working Group of German Minorities generally meets once a year. All the German minorities are invited at the annual meeting, where they use the opportunity for exchange, for information and for dialogue with decision-makers.
The annual AGDM meetings were organised in the following places:
Online Meeting (because of COVID-19) 2020
Berlin, Germany 2012-2019
Eupen, Belgium 2011
Uljanowsk, Russia 2010
Gyula/Jula, Hungary 2009
Košice/Kaschau, Slovakia 2008
Educational Centre Knivsberg, Denmark 2007
Opole/Oppeln, Poland 2006
European Academy Sankelmark, Germany 2005
Pécs/Fünfkirchen, Hungary 2004
European Academy Sankelmark, Germany 2000 – 2003
Training centre “Der Heiligenhof” in Bad Kissingen, Germany 1991 – 1999
This year the AGDM will meet for the 23rd time. The annual AGDM-meeting of 2014 will take place from 26-28 November 2014 in Berlin.
There are German-speaking minorities in 27 countries:
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia und Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Georgia, Hungary, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tadzhikistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.